For today`s lesson you will complete a series of exercises relating to Samba
- Watch the attached video about Samba, this will help to give you a good context regarding the set works
- Read the following BBC webpage and complete the quiz on the BBC bitesize
- Complete the following quizz
- Using the notes and research create your short 2min IMovie on Samba.
- Your video must include the following background on the music (where it originated, purpose and occasion), and the musical features of the music (dynamics, rhythm, metre, instrumentation, structure, musical devices, harmony, tonality etc.
- Ensure you create a basic script which you will narrate over your video. Use images and music to help support your narration.
- Submit your final video to the assignment.
World Instruments Chart iGCSE World Music Revision SheetWorld Instruments Chart iGCSE
World Music Revision Sheet
IGCSE Samba Set Works 2024 pre
Samba Music composition:
Watch the video and create your own composition in Samba style.
Export your com[position to Mp3 file and submit to the assignment
Student work:
Samba de Janeiro performance
Samba de Janeiro melody parts Samba de Janeiro Score
Enquiry based research and presentation
World Music
In a group of 2-3 students prepare a ppt of the most favorite world music.
Make sure you include the following musical features:
- Context/Background
- Main Instruments
- Ensemble
- Melody and Rhythms
- Texture and Harmony
- Traditional music in the modern life
Remember to include music tracks/ videos as a musical example.