For today`s lesson you will complete a series of exercises relating to Samba


  • Watch the attached video about Samba, this will help to give you a good context regarding the set works

World Instruments Chart iGCSE World Music Revision SheetWorld Instruments Chart iGCSE

World Music Revision Sheet

IGCSE Samba Set Works 2024 pre

Samba Music composition:

Watch the video and create your own composition in Samba style.

Export your com[position to Mp3 file and submit to the assignment

Samba rhythm grid

Student work:

composition 1

Composition 2 

Samba de Janeiro performance

Samba de Janeiro melody parts Samba de Janeiro Score

Enquiry based research and presentation

World Music

In a group of 2-3 students prepare a ppt of the most favorite world music. 

Make sure you include the following musical features:

  • Context/Background
  • Main Instruments
  • Ensemble
  • Melody and Rhythms
  • Texture and Harmony
  • Traditional music in the modern life

Remember to  include music tracks/ videos as a musical example.

